copy and paste // kopieren und einfügen

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copy and paste // kopieren und einfügen

Unread postby chris1 » 17.03.2006 20:07

- If you mark the text and hold the strg/ctrl button, you copy the text and the mirc colour codes.

- If you only mark the text and do not press the strg/ctrl button, you copy only the text without mirc colour codes.
Last edited by chris1 on 14.08.2007 23:17, edited 3 times in total.
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Unread postby chris1 » 15.04.2006 17:17

- Wenn Sie den Text markieren und die strg/ctrl taste drücken, werden der Text und mirc colour codes kopiert.

- Wenn Sie den Text markieren und die strg/ctrl taste nicht drücken, wird nur der Text kopiert.
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Joined: 11.09.2003 20:17
Status: Gamers.IRC Coder

Unread postby chris1 » 16.04.2006 14:44

mirc help file:
Text Copy and Paste

To copy text

You mark the text as usual with the mouse by pressing the left mouse-button and dragging it. The moment you release the left mouse-button, the text will be copied into the clipboard.

Note: See Key Combinations for keys you can use while copying text.

To paste text

You can then use the usual Shift-Insert or Control+V key combination to paste the text anywhere you wish.

The limitation

You can only copy the currently displayed text. To copy text from another page, you must scroll up/down to it and then copy it. If you want to store most of the text you see on a channel, you might want to use the logfile/buffer options in the System Menu.

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