gIRC.dll: Controlling Winamp

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gIRC.dll: Controlling Winamp

Unread postby chris1 » 06.09.2006 21:38


Code: Select all

winampinfo { return $dll(bin\dll\girc.dll,winampinfo,$$1) }
winampcmd { dll bin\dll\girc.dll winampcmd $$1 }
winampstats { return $dll(bin\dll\girc.dll,winampstats,$$1) }
--> title
--> artist
--> album
--> year
--> comment
--> genre
--> wtitle

$winampstats(<PARAMETER>) -> returns winamp stats
--> running
--> playstate -> returns 0 (stop), 1 (playing), 2 (paused)
--> rrepeatstate
--> shufflestate
--> version

/winampcmd <PARAMETER> -> to control winamp (use /dll, NOT $dll)
--> start
--> play
--> pause
--> stop
--> ff5s -> 5 sec forwards
--> bw5s -> 5 sec backwards
--> nextt -> next track
--> prevt -> prev. track
--> close
--> tshuffle -> Toggle Shuffle
--> trepeat -> Toggle Repeat
/setup -> Settings -> Winamp

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