[6.06] Funstuff: Winking/Zwinkernd

Hotfixes for outdated Gamers.IRC versions.
Posts: 3029
Joined: 11.09.2003 20:17
Status: Gamers.IRC Coder

[6.06] Funstuff: Winking/Zwinkernd

Unread postby chris1 » 09.07.2013 22:29

"* /elseif: invalid format (line 3150, gamersirc.grc)" in the stuats window if you use this funstuff.

Open the mIRC script editor (Alt+R) with gamersirc.grc, scroll to line 3142:

Code: Select all

    elseif ($did(funstuff,45).seltext == Zwinkernd || elseif ($did(funstuff,45).seltext == Winking) { noop $init_lang(-p,FSEntries,614) }
Replace that by:

Code: Select all

    elseif ($did(funstuff,45).seltext == Zwinkernd || $did(funstuff,45).seltext == Winking) { noop $init_lang(-p,FSEntries,614) }
So the whole part should look as follows:

Code: Select all

    elseif ($did(funstuff,45).seltext == Verzweifelt || $did(funstuff,45).seltext == Desperate) { noop $init_lang(-p,FSEntries,613) }
    elseif ($did(funstuff,45).seltext == Zwinkernd || $did(funstuff,45).seltext == Winking) { noop $init_lang(-p,FSEntries,614) }
    elseif ($did(funstuff,45).sel) { funstuff_own 28 45 fssmilies }
    dialog -k funstuff
Fixed in the next Gamers.IRC version.

Patched files:
You can find all Gamers.IRC files with integrated hotfixes here.

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