Daily Garfield
Posted: 28.05.2011 21:10
This add-on displays a daily Garfield comic directly within mIRC.
You can make it show Sunday strips in a larger, dedicated frame by clicking it.
You will need the nconvert.exe file in the script directory. If you download the addon from within Gamers.IRC, it is included anyway.
You can make it show Sunday strips in a larger, dedicated frame by clicking it.
You will need the nconvert.exe file in the script directory. If you download the addon from within Gamers.IRC, it is included anyway.
Code: Select all
; Copyright © 2008-2018 by Gamers.Interactive. All Rights Reserved.
; Contact via world wide web (http://gamersirc.net) or e-mail (contact1@gamersirc.net)
; Feel free to modify and distribute this code as long as it fits to the GNU General Public License (http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
; which is included within Gamers.IRC.
; Forum: http://forum.gamersirc.net/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=1574
dialog dlgSonntag {
title "Sunday Strip - xx.xx.xxxx"
size -1 -1 625 456
option pixels
icon 1, 2 4 620 420
button "Close", 2, 1 429 624 25, default flat ok cancel
on *:dialog:dlgSonntag:init:*:{
did -g dlgSonntag 1 $qt($scriptdirgarfield.bmp)
dialog -t dlgSonntag $replace($dialog(dlgSonntag).title,$gettok($dialog(dlgSonntag).title,4,32),$+($gettok($did(dlgGarfield,3).text,1,47),.,$gettok($did(dlgGarfield,3).text,2,47),.,$gettok($did(dlgGarfield,3).text,3,47)))
alias -l grfSonntag {
if ($dialog(dlgSonntag)) {
did -g dlgSonntag 1 $qt($scriptdirgarfield.bmp)
dialog -t dlgSonntag $replace($dialog(dlgSonntag).title,$gettok($dialog(dlgSonntag).title,4,32),$+($gettok($did(dlgGarfield,3).text,1,47),.,$gettok($did(dlgGarfield,3).text,2,47),.,$gettok($did(dlgGarfield,3).text,3,47)))
else {
dialog -md dlgSonntag dlgSonntag
; ========================================
dialog dlgGarfield {
title "Daily Garfield"
size -1 -1 632 246
option pixels
icon 1, 6 23 620 195
text "Daily Garfield - xx.xx.xxxx:", 2, 6 4 226 16
edit "", 3, 123 222 200 21
text "Date (dd/mm/yyyy):", 4, 6 225 113 16
button "View comic", 5, 325 223 84 20, default flat
button "<", 6, 586 223 20 20, flat
button ">", 7, 607 223 20 20, flat
button "close", 8, 551 1 75 20, flat ok
button "visit website", 9, 464 1 85 20, flat
text "Status", 11, 280 3 195 16, center
link "view online", 12, 440 226 76 16
alias -l grfShow {
if ($sock(scGarfield)) { sockclose scGarfield }
set -u20 %grfStartFile 0
.timer 1 1 did -ra dlgGarfield 2 $replace($did(dlgGarfield,2).text,$gettok($did(dlgGarfield,2).text,4,32),$+($gettok(%grfDate,1,47),.,$gettok(%grfDate,2,47),.,$gettok(%grfDate,3,47))) $+ :
if ($exists($qt($scriptdirgarfield.gif))) { .remove $qt($scriptdirgarfield.gif) }
did -ra dlgGarfield 11 ... downloading ...
sockopen -e scGarfield d1ejxu6vysztl5.cloudfront.net 443
alias -l grfCheckDate {
return $regex($did(dlgGarfield,3).text, /\d\d\/\d\d\/\d\d\d\d/)
on *:dialog:dlgGarfield:init:*:{
did -ra $dname 2 $replace($did(2).text,xx.xx.xxxx,$+($gettok($date,1,47),.,$gettok($date,2,47),.,$gettok($date,3,47)))
did -ra $dname 3 $date
did -r $dname 11
did -b $dname 7
did -h $dname 12
if (!$exists($qt($scriptdirnconvert.exe))) {
var %grfErrorMsg = $input(NConvert could not be found! $+ $crlf $+ No download will happen. $+ $crlf $+ $crlf $+ You can download NConvert from the following website: $+ $crlf $+ http://www.xnview.com/en/nconvert/, oi, Information,)
if (%grfErrorMsg) {
if ($exists($qt($scriptdirgarfield.bmp))) {
did -g $dname 1 $qt($scriptdirgarfield.bmp)
else {
dialog -x dlgGarfield
set %grfDate $date
set %grfFileSize 0
on *:dialog:dlgGarfield:close:*:{
if ($sock(scGarfield)) { sockclose scGarfield }
if (%grfDate) { unset %grfDate }
if (%grfFileSize) { unset %grfFileSize }
on *:dialog:dlgGarfield:edit:3:{
if (!$did(3).text) { did -ra $dname 3 $date }
if (!$grfCheckDate) { did -b $dname 5-7 | did -h $dname 12 }
else { did -e $dname 5-7 | did -v $dname 12 }
on *:dialog:dlgGarfield:sclick:*:{
if ($did == 1) {
if ($asctime($ctime($did(3).text),ddd) == Sun && $exists($qt($scriptdirgarfield.bmp)) && $did($dname,11).text != No today's Garfield yet.) {
elseif ($did == 5) {
if ($did(3).text) {
if ($regex($did(3).text, /\d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d\d\d/)) {
; xx.xx.xxxx
did -ra 3 $replace($did(3).text,.,/)
elseif ($regex($did(3).text, /\d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d/)) {
; xx.xx.xx
did -ra 3 $replace($replace($did(3).text,.,/),$gettok($replace($did(3).text,.,/),3,47),$iif($gettok($replace($did(3).text,.,/),3,47) > 90,19,20) $+ $gettok($replace($did(3).text,.,/),3,47)
elseif ($regex($did(3).text, /\d\d\/\d\d\\/\d\d/)) {
; xx/xx/xx
did -ra 3 $replace($did(3).text,$gettok($did(3).text,3,47),$iif($gettok($did(3).text,3,47) > 90,19,20) $+ $gettok($did(3).text,3,47))
elseif (!$regex($did(3).text, /\d\d\/\d\d\/\d\d\d\d/)) {
did -ra $dname 11 Invalid date!
.timer 1 5 did -r $dname 11
set %grfDate $did(3).text
elseif ($did == 6) {
var %grfTag = $gettok($did(3).text,1,47)
var %grfMnt = $gettok($did(3).text,2,47)
var %grfJhr = $gettok($did(3).text,3,47)
if (%grfTag == 1) {
%grfTag = $iif(%grfMnt == 01 || %grfMnt == 02 || %grfMnt == 04 || %grfMnt == 06 || %grfMnt == 09 || %grfMnt == 11,31,$iif(%grfMnt == 03,$iif($calc(%grfJhr % 4) == 0,29,28),30))
if (%grfMnt == 1) {
dec %grfJhr
%grfMnt = 12
else {
dec %grfMnt
else {
dec %grfTag
did -ra $dname 3 $iif($len(%grfTag) == 1,0 $+ %grfTag,%grfTag) $+ / $+ $iif($len(%grfMnt) == 1,0 $+ %grfMnt,%grfMnt) $+ / $+ %grfJhr
set %grfDate $did(3).text
elseif ($did == 7) {
var %grfTag = $gettok($did(3).text,1,47)
var %grfMnt = $gettok($did(3).text,2,47)
var %grfJhr = $gettok($did(3).text,3,47)
if (%grfTag == 31) {
if (%grfMnt == 12) {
inc %grfJhr
%grfMnt = 1
else {
inc %grfMnt
%grfTag = 1
else {
inc %grfTag
did -ra $dname 3 $iif($len(%grfTag) == 1,0 $+ %grfTag,%grfTag) $+ / $+ $iif($len(%grfMnt) == 1,0 $+ %grfMnt,%grfMnt) $+ / $+ %grfJhr
set %grfDate $did(3).text
elseif ($did == 9) {
run https://www.garfield.com
elseif ($did == 12) {
run https://d1ejxu6vysztl5.cloudfront.net/comics/garfield/ $+ $right($gettok($did(3).text,3,47),4) $+ / $+ $right($gettok($did(3).text,3,47),4) $+ - $+ $gettok($did(3).text,2,47) $+ - $+ $gettok($did(3).text,1,47) $+ .gif
; ========================================
on *:sockopen:scGarfield:{
if ($sockerr || !%grfDate) { did -ra dlgGarfield 11 Download failed! | halt }
sockwrite -n $sockname GET /comics/garfield/ $+ $right($gettok($did(dlgGarfield,3).text,3,47),4) $+ / $+ $right($gettok($did(dlgGarfield,3).text,3,47),4) $+ - $+ $gettok($did(dlgGarfield,3).text,2,47) $+ - $+ $gettok($did(dlgGarfield,3).text,1,47) $+ .gif HTTP/1.1
sockwrite -n $sockname Host: d1ejxu6vysztl5.cloudfront.net
sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; FreeBSD x86_64; rv:42.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/42.0
sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on *:sockread:scGarfield:{
if (%grfStartFile != 1) {
var %x
sockread %x
if (Not Found isin %x) {
did -ra dlgGarfield 11 No today's Garfield yet.
sockclose scGarfield
if (Content-Length isin %x) { %grfFileSize = $gettok(%x,2,32) }
if (%x == $null) { %grfStartFile = 1 }
else {
var &tmpGarfield
sockread &tmpGarfield
bwrite $qt($scriptdirgarfield.gif) -1 -1 &tmpGarfield
if ($file($qt($scriptdirgarfield.gif)).size == %grfFileSize) {
sockclose scGarfield
did -ra dlgGarfield 11 ... converting ...
if ($exists($qt($scriptdirgarfield.bmp))) { .remove $qt($scriptdirgarfield.bmp) }
run -n $qt($scriptdirnconvert.exe) -quiet -D -out bmp $qt($scriptdirgarfield.gif)
.timer 1 3 did -rg dlgGarfield 1 $qt($scriptdirgarfield.bmp)
.timer 1 3 did -r dlgGarfield 11
if ($ctime($did(dlgGarfield,3).text) < $ctime($date)) { did -e dlgGarfield 7 }
else { did -b dlgGarfield 7 }
did -v dlgGarfield 12
; ========================================
alias garfield { dialog $iif($dialog(dlgGarfield), -x, -md) dlgGarfield dlgGarfield }
menu channel,status,query,menubar {
Daily Garfield:garfield