Auto Join Problem (ENGLISH)

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Unread postby Sentinel » 01.09.2007 05:49

can u join the channels, when your nick is shorter (with 8 characters)?
Posts: 3029
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Status: Gamers.IRC Coder

Unread postby chris1 » 01.09.2007 11:53

Mh, this is a bit strange. First remove all channels form the autojoin and only connect. Then no error message appears?
Don't change the name too often. (Did you?)

Then leave the autojoin in the setup empty and use the mIRC perform as described here:

If the same thing happens again, try this:
.timer 1 1 join #channel1
.timer 1 2 join #channel2
.timer 1 3 join #channel3
.timer 1 4 join #channel4
and so on.
If the same happens again increase the second nubmer of the timer a bit (the first numer must be "1", the second number are the seconds till its joins the channel).

If that doesn't help, try to reinstall Gamers.IRC
Gamers.IRC Staff
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Status: Gamers.IRC Coder

Unread postby blk_panther » 06.09.2007 10:50

what network does this happen on?
(I really don't know why it's nick change too fast, what does the nick have to do with joining channels, I would have expected a target change too fast)

and can you post what timers you used? like .timer 1 1 join #channel1 | .timer 1 5 join #channel2 -> with more delay, did you got less messages?

also try: join #chan1,#chan2,#chan3,...
(and a personal note: join -n #chan... stops the chans from becoming active while joining (if it's not a bnc))

if that doesn't help try to change the theme to standard (grey world), and post if the message changes (it really should be target change too fast, not nick)

you can of course come to our irc chan and see if someone is available to help you: irc://
just $me
Gamers.IRC Staff
Posts: 231
Joined: 31.12.2005 16:44
Status: Gamers.IRC Coder

Unread postby blk_panther » 08.09.2007 20:33

that doesn't helped much,
does the message change if you use another (the default) theme (grey-world)?

what if you use (in perform, of course) join #chan1,#chan2,#chan3,...?

and if you use:
.timer 1 1 join #chan1,#chan2,#chan3,#chan4,#chan5
.timer 1 5 join #chan6,#chan7,#chan8,#chan9,#chan10
.timer 1 15 join #chan11,#chan12,#chan13,#chan14
just $me
Posts: 3029
Joined: 11.09.2003 20:17
Status: Gamers.IRC Coder

Unread postby chris1 » 10.09.2007 20:09

If you want to auth, you should use the Gamers.IRC setup for security reasons:
/setup -> settings -> connect -> auth

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