Gamers.IRC did not auto-change the nick after the ghost kill command if Nickserv was using Italian language. Also Gamers.IRC did not identify after a nickchange on Nickserv with Italian language.
Open the mIRC script editor (Alt+R) with gamersirc.grc, scroll to line 6520:
Code: Select all
elseif (($nick == Nickserv) && ((($strip($2-4) == has been ghosted.) && ($mnick == $strip($1))) || ($strip($1-) == Ghost with your nick has been killed.) || (($strip($3-6) == isn't currently in use.) && ($mnick == $strip($2))))) {
Code: Select all
elseif (($nick == Nickserv) && ((($strip($2-4) == has been ghosted.) && ($mnick == $strip($1))) || ($strip($1-) == Ghost with your nick has been killed.) || ($strip($1-) == La connessione fantasma con il tuo nick è stata disconnessa.) || (($strip($3-6) == isn't currently in use.) && ($mnick == $strip($2))))) {
Code: Select all
elseif (($nick == Nickserv) && (%nickservauth === $true) && ($1-3 == This nickname is) && (registered isin $1-)) {
Code: Select all
elseif (($nick == Nickserv) && (%nickservauth === $true) && (*NickServ IDENTIFY*password* iswm $1-)) {
Code: Select all
; nickserv:
elseif (($nick == Nickserv) && ((($strip($2-4) == has been ghosted.) && ($mnick == $strip($1))) || ($strip($1-) == Ghost with your nick has been killed.) || ($strip($1-) == La connessione fantasma con il tuo nick è stata disconnessa.) || (($strip($3-6) == isn't currently in use.) && ($mnick == $strip($2))))) {
if ($readini(bin\ini\settings.ini, auth, auth_nsGHOST)) {
if (($me != $mnick) && ($ini(bin\ini\nickserv.ini,$network))) {
if (($mnick == $readini(bin\ini\nickserv.ini, $network, nick)) && ($readini(bin\ini\settings.ini, auth, auth_nsident))) {
nick $mnick
elseif (($nick == Nickserv) && (%nickservauth === $true) && (*NickServ IDENTIFY*password* iswm $1-)) {
.msg nickserv identify $crypt_pw($readini(bin\ini\nickserv.ini, $network, pw))
Fixed in the next Gamers.IRC version.
Patched files:
You can find all Gamers.IRC files with integrated hotfixes here.