(add into %Appdata%\Notepad++\UserDefineLang.xml):
Code: Select all
<UserLang name="mIRC Script" ext="mrc grc">
<Global caseIgnored="yes" />
<TreatAsSymbol comment="yes" commentLine="yes" />
<Prefix words1="no" words2="yes" words3="no" words4="yes" />
<Keywords name="Delimiters">000000</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Folder+">{</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Folder-">}</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Operators">" ( ) , [ ]</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Comment"> 1/* 2*/ 0;</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Words1">if
<Keywords name="Words2">$ $$ % & : !%</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Words3">-l abook ajinvite alias aline ame amsg anick aop auser autojoin avoice away background ban bcopy beep bread break breplace bset btrunc bunset bwrite channel clear clearall cline clipboard close cnick color colour comclose comopen comreg continue copy creq ctcp ctcpreply ctcps dcc dccserver dde ddeserver debug dec describe dialog did didtok disable disconnect dlevel dline dll dns dqwindow drawcopy drawdot drawfill drawline drawpic drawrect drawreplace drawrot drawsave drawscroll drawtext ebeeps echo editbox emailaddr enable events exit fclose filter findtext finger firewall flash flist flood flush flushini font fopen fseek fsend fserve fullname fwrite ghide gload gmove gopts goto gplay gpoint gqreq groups gshow gsize gstop gtalk gunload guser hadd halt haltdef hdec hdel help hfree hinc hload hmake hop hsave ial ialclear ialmark identd if ignore iline inc invite iuser join kick linesep links list load loadbuf localinfo log mdi me mkdir mode msg nick noop notice notify omsg onotice part partall pdcc perform play playctrl pop protect pvoice qme qmsg query queryrn quit raw registration reload remini remote remove rename renwin reseterror resetidle return rlevel rline rmdir run ruser save savebuf saveini say scid scon server set setlayer showmirc signal sline sockaccept sockclose socklist socklisten sockmark sockopen sockpause sockread sockrename sockudp sockwrite sound speak splay sreq strip timer timestamp titlebar tnick tokenize toolbar topic tray ulist unload unset unsetall updatenl url uwho var vcadd vcmd vcrem vol while whois window winhelp write writeini xyzzy</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Words4">on raw *:Action: *:Active: *:Agent: *:AppActive: *:Ban: *:Chat: *:Close: *:Connect: *:Ctcp: *:CtcpReply: *:DccServer: *:DeHelp: *:DeOp: *:DeVoice: *:Dialog: *:Dns: *:Error: *:Exit: *:FileRcvd: *:FileSent: *:GetFail: *:Help: *:Hotlink: *:Input: *:Invite: *:Join: *:KeyDown: *:KeyUp: *:Kick: *:Load: *:Logon: *:MidiEnd: *:Mode: *:Mp3End: *:Nick: *:NoSound: *:Notice: *:Notify: *:Op: *:Open: *:Part: *:Ping: *:Pong: *:PlayEnd: *:Quit: *:SendFail: *:Serv: *:ServerMode: *:ServerOp: *:Signal: *:Snotice: *:Start: *:Tabcomp: *:Text: *:Topic: *:UnBan: *:Unload: *:Unotify: *:UserMode: *:Voice: *:Wallops: *:WaveEnd: ^*:Action: ^*:Active: ^*:Agent: ^*:AppActive: ^*:Ban: ^*:Chat: ^*:Close: ^*:Connect: ^*:Ctcp: ^*:CtcpReply: ^*:DccServer: ^*:DeHelp: ^*:DeOp: ^*:DeVoice: ^*:Dialog: ^*:Dns: ^*:Error: ^*:Exit: ^*:FileRcvd: ^*:FileSent: ^*:GetFail: ^*:Help: ^*:Hotlink: ^*:Input: ^*:Invite: ^*:Join: ^*:KeyDown: ^*:KeyUp: ^*:Kick: ^*:Load: ^*:Logon: ^*:MidiEnd: ^*:Mode: ^*:Mp3End: ^*:Nick: ^*:NoSound: ^*:Notice: ^*:Notify: ^*:Op: ^*:Open: ^*:Part: ^*:Ping: ^*:Pong: ^*:PlayEnd: ^*:Quit: ^*:SendFail: ^*:Serv: ^*:ServerMode: ^*:ServerOp: ^*:Signal: ^*:Snotice: ^*:Start: ^*:Tabcomp: ^*:Text: ^*:Topic: ^*:UnBan: ^*:Unload: ^*:Unotify: ^*:UserMode: ^*:Voice: ^*:Wallops: ^*:WaveEnd:</Keywords>
<WordsStyle name="DEFAULT" styleID="11" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="FOLDEROPEN" styleID="12" fgColor="808080" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="FOLDERCLOSE" styleID="13" fgColor="808080" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="KEYWORD1" styleID="5" fgColor="00009F" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="KEYWORD2" styleID="6" fgColor="800080" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="KEYWORD3" styleID="7" fgColor="0000FF" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="KEYWORD4" styleID="8" fgColor="FF0000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="COMMENT" styleID="1" fgColor="008000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="COMMENT LINE" styleID="2" fgColor="008000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="NUMBER" styleID="4" fgColor="FF8000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="OPERATOR" styleID="10" fgColor="808080" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="DELIMINER1" styleID="14" fgColor="800080" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="DELIMINER2" styleID="15" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
<WordsStyle name="DELIMINER3" styleID="16" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" />
If the file doesn't exist: Create it and add the code between <NotepadPlus> and </NotepadPlus>
Scheme consists of mainly 5 colors:
- blue for commands
- darker blue for mirc identifiers
- purple for own identifiers and variables
- red for events
- green for comments
- code folding or corresponding {} bracket highlight (put { and } as operator or remove from code folding, if u want bracket highlight)
- events with named or numbered userlevel won't show in red (no fix in sight, till n++ support regex in udl)
- also function-completion isn't available for n++, because it doesn't support $ in function names
- feel free to make/find/use an lexer for msl, http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php? ... _id=331753
Function completing needs these "mIRC Script.xml" file into: %Appdata%\Notepad++\plugins\APIs
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" ?>
<!-- language doesnt really mean anything, its more of a comment, <AutoComplete> onthe other hand is needed-->
<AutoComplete language="mIRC Script">
<!-- Environment specifies how the language should be interpreted. ignoreCase makes autocomplete
ignore any casing, start and stopFunc specify what chars a function starts and stops with.
param specifies parameter separator and terminal can be used to specify a character that stops
any function. Using the same character for different functions results in undefined behaviour. -->
<Environment ignoreCase="yes" startFunc="(" stopFunc=")" paramSeparator="," />
<!-- The following items should be alphabetically ordered.
func="yes" means the keyword should be treated as a fuction, and thus can be used in the parameter
calltip system. If this is the case, the retVal attribute specifies the return value/type. Any
following Param tag specifies a parameter, they must be in order. The name attributes specifies
the parameter name. -->
<KeyWord name="abook" />
<KeyWord name="abook" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="N/filename" />
<KeyWord name="abs" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="N" />
<KeyWord name="acos" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="N" />
<KeyWord name="Action:" />
<KeyWord name="active" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="Active:" />
<KeyWord name="activecid" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="activewid" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="adate" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="address" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="nickname,type" />
<KeyWord name="address" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="addtok" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="text,token,C" />
<KeyWord name="agent" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="Agent:" />
<KeyWord name="agentname" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="agentstat" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="agentver" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="ajinvite" />
<KeyWord name="alias" />
<KeyWord name="alias" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="aline" />
<KeyWord name="ame" />
<KeyWord name="amsg" />
<KeyWord name="and" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="A,B" />
<KeyWord name="anick" />
<KeyWord name="anick" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="ansi2mirc" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="text" />
<KeyWord name="aop" />
<KeyWord name="aop" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="aop" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="appactive" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="AppActive:" />
<KeyWord name="appstate" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="asc" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="C" />
<KeyWord name="asctime" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="asin" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="N" />
<KeyWord name="atan" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="N" />
<KeyWord name="auser" />
<KeyWord name="autojoin" />
<KeyWord name="avoice" />
<KeyWord name="avoice" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="away" />
<KeyWord name="away" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="awaymsg" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="awaytime" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="background" />
<KeyWord name="ban" />
<KeyWord name="Ban:" />
<KeyWord name="banmask" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="base" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="N,inbase,outbase,zeropad,precision" />
<KeyWord name="bcopy" />
<KeyWord name="beep" />
<KeyWord name="bfind" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="bitoff" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="A,N" />
<KeyWord name="biton" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="A,N" />
<KeyWord name="bnick" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="bread" />
<KeyWord name="break" />
<KeyWord name="breplace" />
<KeyWord name="bset" />
<KeyWord name="btrunc" />
<KeyWord name="bunset" />
<KeyWord name="bvar" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="bwrite" />
<KeyWord name="bytes" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="N,bkmgt3d" />
<KeyWord name="calc" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="operations" />
<KeyWord name="cancel" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="cb" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="N,u" />
<KeyWord name="cb" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="cd" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="ceil" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="N" />
<KeyWord name="chan" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="N,#" />
<KeyWord name="chan" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="chanmodes" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="channel" />
<KeyWord name="chantypes" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="chat" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="N/nick[,N]" />
<KeyWord name="Chat:" />
<KeyWord name="chr" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="N" />
<KeyWord name="cid" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="clear" />
<KeyWord name="clearall" />
<KeyWord name="clevel" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="click" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="cline" />
<KeyWord name="clipboard" />
<KeyWord name="close" />
<KeyWord name="Close:" />
<KeyWord name="cmdbox" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="cmdline" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="cnick" />
<KeyWord name="cnick" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="color" />
<KeyWord name="color" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="name/N" />
<KeyWord name="colour" />
<KeyWord name="colour" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="com" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="comcall" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="comchan" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="nick,N" />
<KeyWord name="comclose" />
<KeyWord name="comerr" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="comopen" />
<KeyWord name="compress" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="file|&bvar, blN" />
<KeyWord name="comreg" />
<KeyWord name="comval" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="Connect:" />
<KeyWord name="continue" />
<KeyWord name="copy" />
<KeyWord name="cos" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="N" />
<KeyWord name="count" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="string,substring,substring2,...,substringN" />
<KeyWord name="cr" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="crc" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="text|&binvar|filename,[N]" />
<KeyWord name="creq" />
<KeyWord name="creq" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="crlf" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="ctcp" />
<KeyWord name="Ctcp:" />
<KeyWord name="ctcpreply" />
<KeyWord name="CtcpReply:" />
<KeyWord name="ctcps" />
<KeyWord name="ctime" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="ctime" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="text" />
<KeyWord name="ctimer" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="ctrlenter" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="date" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="date" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="day" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="daylight" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="dbuh" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="dbuw" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="dcc" />
<KeyWord name="dccignore" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="N/filename" />
<KeyWord name="dccignore" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="dccport" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="dccserver" />
<KeyWord name="DccServer:" />
<KeyWord name="dde" />
<KeyWord name="dde" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="ddename" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="ddeserver" />
<KeyWord name="debug" />
<KeyWord name="debug" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="dec" />
<KeyWord name="decode" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="%var | &binvar, mubt, N" />
<KeyWord name="decompress" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="file|&bvar" />
<KeyWord name="DeHelp:" />
<KeyWord name="deltok" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="text,N-N2,C" />
<KeyWord name="DeOp:" />
<KeyWord name="describe" />
<KeyWord name="devent" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="DeVoice:" />
<KeyWord name="dialog" />
<KeyWord name="dialog" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="Dialog:" />
<KeyWord name="did" />
<KeyWord name="did" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="did" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="didreg" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="didtok" />
<KeyWord name="didtok" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="didwm" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="disable" />
<KeyWord name="disconnect" />
<KeyWord name="disk" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="path|N" />
<KeyWord name="dlevel" />
<KeyWord name="dlevel" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="dline" />
<KeyWord name="dll" />
<KeyWord name="dll" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="name.dll,procname,data" />
<KeyWord name="dllcall" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="dname" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="dns" />
<KeyWord name="dns" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="Dns:" />
<KeyWord name="dqwindow" />
<KeyWord name="drawcopy" />
<KeyWord name="drawdot" />
<KeyWord name="drawfill" />
<KeyWord name="drawline" />
<KeyWord name="drawpic" />
<KeyWord name="drawrect" />
<KeyWord name="drawreplace" />
<KeyWord name="drawrot" />
<KeyWord name="drawsave" />
<KeyWord name="drawscroll" />
<KeyWord name="drawtext" />
<KeyWord name="duration" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="seconds,N" />
<KeyWord name="ebeeps" />
<KeyWord name="echo" />
<KeyWord name="editbox" />
<KeyWord name="editbox" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="window,N" />
<KeyWord name="else" />
<KeyWord name="elseif" />
<KeyWord name="emailaddr" />
<KeyWord name="emailaddr" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="enable" />
<KeyWord name="encode" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="%var | &binvar, mubt, N" />
<KeyWord name="error" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="Error:" />
<KeyWord name="eval" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="text,N" />
<KeyWord name="evalnext" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="event" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="events" />
<KeyWord name="exists" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="file/dir" />
<KeyWord name="exit" />
<KeyWord name="Exit:" />
<KeyWord name="false" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="fclose" />
<KeyWord name="feof" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="ferr" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="fgetc" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="file" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="filename" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="filename" />
<KeyWord name="FileRcvd:" />
<KeyWord name="FileSent:" />
<KeyWord name="filter" />
<KeyWord name="filtered" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="finddir" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="dir,wildcard,N,depth,@window | command" />
<KeyWord name="finddirn" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="findfile" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="dir,wildcard,N,depth,@window | command" />
<KeyWord name="findfilen" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="findtext" />
<KeyWord name="findtok" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="text,token,N,C" />
<KeyWord name="finger" />
<KeyWord name="firewall" />
<KeyWord name="flash" />
<KeyWord name="fline" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
<KeyWord name="flist" />
<KeyWord name="flood" />
<KeyWord name="floor" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="N" />
<KeyWord name="flush" />
<KeyWord name="flushini" />
<KeyWord name="font" />
<KeyWord name="fopen" />
<KeyWord name="fopen" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="">
<Param name="" />
postsize limit, second part = next post