A little help needed

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A little help needed

Postby Guest » 29.09.2003 09:54

Hi all,

I'm rather newbie to irc stuff and I like to read somewhere about unique girc features, but have no idea where. Also, about fileserving for example. Anyone can post some links?

Posts: 294
Joined: 25.08.2003 17:04
Status: Gamers.IRC-Founder

Postby Shenzakai » 29.09.2003 22:35

some unique girc features are mentioned on the girc info page which can be found here: http://www.gamersirc.net/reactor.php?core=2&valve=4

fileserving with girc is explained in the girc setup (press F3 and get to the 'tools -> fileserv' tab).

if you need general help on irc and mirc visit http://www.mirc.com/

there a lot of useful infos on using irc and mirc and there's also a detailed faq and a forum where you may get help.

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